Diagnostic Thinking(tm)
Diversity Design Leadership Development has proven to create career acceleration, higher performing teams, reduce burnout, employee frustrations, and creates conversations vs "quiet quitting".
Confidence Focus Strategy Control
Our Mission
We show others how to author their career with a process, in a zone of psychological safety, for fixing “broken thinking.” It’s time that employees find the confidence for taking back control of their lives and careers and help others to “see them, for who they are.”
Are you being passed over for promotion or feeling rejected?

Were you told you were great but denied the opportunity?
Are you feeling stuck or stalled in your career?
Are you frustrated?

Is there a disparity between men and women at your job?

Have you been over promised and underserved?

Or are you simply unsure about what you want to do next and how to get there?
You May Have No Idea You Are Suffering From Broken Thinking!
You can go to the best business schools in the nation, take all the training the world has to offer, do vision boards, and meditate, but it does not address “Broken Thinking,” and no one knows what is really happening. We are so convinced we are right because we created a narrative that supports every decision that we make, that we fail to see we are solving the wrong problem most of the time.
Only five percent of our thinking is conscious thinking, and the other ninety-five percent of our thinking is subconscious, which is operating in stealth mode, sabotaging our deepest desires, wants, and needs, and it is secretly running our lives, and we do not even know it. We all suffer from Broken Thinking.
By nature, women are more likely to withhold ideas due to their own internal fears of being judged as a weak leaders or making the wrong decisions, experiencing micro-aggressions for their ideas, sex, the color of their skin, or even age. Frankly, there is less time to "think." The hyper-reactive amygdala will take charge and create avoidance of backlash and even leave. Broken thinking can be fixed with the right process.
70% of those that go through this robust six-month program find new roles or create new roles.
Diagnostic Thinking(tm) Groups are Designed to Solve Critical Business challenges.
One hundred percent of people who go through a Diversity Diagnostic Thinking(tm) program say they are much more confident in creating new career paths, handling frustrations, and optimizing team and peer performance. Senior Leaders who are investing in Diversity Design Leadership Program for Women Leadership Development programs, ERG, and or DE&I are finding this process to be a game-changer for happier, healthier, and higher-performing organizations.
Book a Diversity Design Leadership Development Journey
I have helped hundreds of women create confidence for breaking their broken thinking, create career acceleration and live a life they love.
- Dina Readinger, CEO
of Diagnostic Thinking(tm) & Ace Coaching Co
6 Month Design Leadership System
Latest Diagnostic Thinking(tm) Headlines
Dina's Article Featured in Springfield Business Journal
Women Lack the Proper Strategies to Accelerate Their Careers
100th Monkey MichMash podcast
Latest Appearance: LATalk Radio
Book Release
1.8 M women left the workforce during the Covid Pandemic
- National Womens Law Center
30% of women worry about losing their job to technology.
57% of women plan to leave their current job within two years (Deloitte)
52% of women deal with non-inclusive behavior based on gender discrimination (Deloitte)
4% of women say their organizations have made progress in building inclusive cultures that support women. (Deloitte)
The Story Behind Diagnostic Thinking(tm)
Reflecting back over my career, soon after retirement from my corporate job, I remembered times when I was frustrated, over-promised, and underserved, and only until I went back to school after my retirement did I realize, that everyone suffers from Broken Thinking. There was no process for creating confidence for decisions when fear enters in. I created Diagnostic Thinking(tm) to fix Broken Thinking since 2016 and helped hundreds of women during pandemic times, around the globe, create career acceleration and a life they love.
Dina Readinger
Founder & CEO
Diagnostic Thinking(tm) Fixes Broken Thinking!
Women are confident in their skills, but they are not confident in strategically leveraging their skills or communicating clearly their wants and needs for fear of backlash. Women will withhold ideas due to their own self-defined internal fears where the hyperreactive amygdalas may lead to an undesirable or reactive decision, not fully vetted for success.
Hands down one of the best coaching sessions I have experienced. With a small group of executive women, Dina coached us through an intensive critical thinking process that got us through mental blocks, sharpened our ability to problem solve, and allowed us to grow.